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Labor Day and Spoiler Alert

Melinda Abbott

Hello!  I hope you are enjoying the remaining weeks of summer.  NYC is a ghost town and I love it!  Early morning runs are a breeze and there is always a seat on the subway.

This post is short and sweet….an update on my schedule with some subbing for the weekend and Labor Day, and a spoiler alert for the upcoming post.  I will be discussing the movie Enlighten Up, which is a delightful movie about, you guessed it, Yoga…If you haven’t seen it, or you haven’t seen the whole thing, it is on Netflix Instant.  It  is a concise 90 min edu-entertainment-documentary sort of movie that gives you thoughtful pause and has lots of nuggets to chew on while still providing several  moments of unabashed smile-provoking yoga and self-discovery footage.  Now those who know this film are saying “That is funny Melinda, because that movie came out in 2008…”   Those of you who know me are saying “This is right on schedule for the girl who just discovered Pandora…”

Better late than never right?

Here is my regular teaching schedule…I am subbing quite a few classes so take a look.

All classes are at Equinox Fitness Clubs, either Level 2, Level 2/3 or Power Vinyasa.  I hope to see you there! *

Regular classes:

Monday: Power Vinyasa, 7:30pm, 85th and 3rd Ave

Tuesday: Level 2, 6:30pm, Columbus Circle

Wednesday: Level 2/3, 7:30pm Soho

Thursday: Power Vinyasa, 7am Columbus Circle, 6pm 54th and 2nd Ave

NEW CLASS!!!!  STARTS FRIDAY SEPT 7TH, 2012...Vinyasa Yoga, 5:30pm, 50th and Broadway

Saturday: Level 2, 12:45pm, 76th and Amsterdam Ave

Sunday: Power Vinyasa, 9:15am, Columbus Circle

Subbing: Please note the time and day, these are not permanent classes, only substitutions. 


Sunday 9/2  9-10:15am, Vinyasa Yoga, 74th street and 2nd Ave

Sunday 9/2   11:15am-12:30pm, Vinyasa Yoga, 17th Street and 10th Ave

Monday 9/3 9-10am, Vinyasa Yoga, 76th and Amsterdam Ave

Monday 9/3   11am-12:15pm, Vinyasa Yoga, 85th Street and 3rd Ave

Friday 9/7   5:30pm, Vinyasa Yoga… first permanent class at 50th and Broadway!

*The guest policy requires us to walk our guests into the club at 15 min prior to the start of class.  Guests can be non-members or members of other locations. I am happy to have you as a one time guest so you can try a class or see if you like the club. 

“It is the truth we ourselves speak rather than the treatment we recieve that heals us.”   M. Hobart Mowrer (1966)

“Things do not change.  We change.”  Henry David Thoreau, Walden


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