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Very first yoga blog!

This is incredible!  I never knew I would take to blogging as I have, suddenly as it were…I just learned how to use this site – in my mind “learn” means not get booted off  – so here I am.

I want to use this as an exploration of thoughts about yoga, about teaching, about learning and about sharing. What does it mean to teach when you – or me – are still learning?  16 years of yoga later and I find myself seeking to extract greater depth from the yoga soil.  When do we become “teachers”, or are we always eternal students of life?  I do feel that as I instruct yoga I am bringing something to the class that my students would not have were I not there, and thinking of other teachers I have had I am so grateful for their wisdom and guidance…today was funny because I was instructing an arm balance, and several students laughed, as if to say “yeah ok, that is very much not happening…”  that is hilarious and endearing because that used to be me, and sometimes it still is me!  I guess I just answered my own question then.  Teaching and learning stride together hand in hand, like a lovestruck couple, giving each other space while always being there to enjoy and relish in the process of moving forward towards better, towards more, towards fullness and towards light.

Till next blog, a thought from the desiderata’s first line: Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence.

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